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Lauren Davidson

Welcome to Loz Writes! I'm Lauren Davidson (Loz) and I'm a freelance writer and game designer based in the United Kingdom.

As one of the founders of indie game studio, Dropped Monocle Games, I have a passion for writing inviting narratives, challenging puzzles and engaging dialog. After developing several award winning/nominated short games with Dropped Monocle (Witchy Woo, Goat Herd and the Gods, Mess Goblins) I was hired by Ron Gilbert of Terrible Toybox to work on the successfully crowdfunded game, Thimbleweed Park.

I am a part time blogger and content creator with a special focus on disability, gaming, the games industry, and women and disabled people in game development. I also have a Twitch channel for streaming some of my gameplay and development.

Aside from my game writing, I have also ghost written content for blogs, ebooks, marketing companies, and web designers. If you are interested in what I can do for you and your business, website, or game please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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